Dear Erman,
We are upgrading from R12.1.3 to R12.2.10. We are following
Currently,we are at Enabling Online Patching.
We have applied Online Patching Enablement patch 13543062:R12.AD.C. and it was successfull
we have reran ADZDDBCC.sql and from the output,we see
DOC> **********************************************************************
DOC> SECTION-4 [minimal]
DOC> **********************************************************************
DOC> "EBS_LOGON Trigger must be enabled."
DOC> - P1: The SYSTEM.EBS_LOGON trigger must exist and must be enabled.
DOC> If not, Online Patching tools will connect to the wrong edition
DOC> in the database, causing system corruption.
DOC> - Fix: Install the SYSTEM.EBS_LOGON trigger by running:
DOC> sqlplus apps/apps $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/ADZDLTRG <system_password>
no rows selected
Do we need to run the script sqlplus apps/apps $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/ADZDLTRG <system_password>?
Please suggest