truncate table with large number of data

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truncate table with large number of data

Oracle Database





I have a table with 17 million records. I want to delete records (around 900,000) from the table where date is March 2014


The issue is it takes lots of time to scan the table and delete. 1 record takes around 5 minutes to complete.


how can I increase the rate to delete records?



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Re: truncate table with large number of data

There are 3 ways that come to my mind;

1)create a table using where clause.. Do an unrecoverable operation for faster execution. Drop the old table, rename the new table.

create table newtable unrecoverable as select * from your_table where date != March214
drop table yourtable;
rename newable to yourtable;
create indexes if there are any.

2)partition your table and then delete. This will parallelize the delete operation.

3)partition your table in a way, so that you can do a drop a partition instead of doing a delete operation.

Reference: Asktom.