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Dear Erman,

1)Hard parsing is very CPU intensive, and involves obtaining latches on key shared memory areas
2)using bind variables will reduce the latch activity in the SGA

How does hard parsing use latching?

Thank you
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Re: hardparse

Latches are like the locks in memory. They are used to protect the important memory structures during concurrent accesses.
So , you can think hard parse as a big activity. So it triggers lots of codes to be executed.
So these codes will increase latching activity.
Latching are like locks, they are serialization devices, to they will increase cpu activity (code executing + Spinning on the cpu)
But, soft parse is more lightweight. So when you soft parse, your latching activity will be reduced. I mean  number of latcing activity on the library cache and shared pool will be reduced.

Bind variables is good for parsing.. They will be used to have soft parses. So indirectly, they will reduce latcing activity..