First find the database segment which is associated with that corrupt block.
If it is an index, you may recreate.
If it is an important table, we 'll se..
It is a fractured block it seems -> read this - >, there are 4 things that I can say on this ->
1)We can recreate the index, if the fractured block is an index block.
2)We can use methods for skipping block corruption (documented in 2199133.1)
3)We can use "bbed" utility to update the consistency value in tail and computed block checksum properly in order to at least start our database. (using bbed at on our own risk) -- this method is a very advanced one. (You just ignore this .. :)
4)There are cases for specific scenarios.. For example this one -> Error ORA-1578 reported on the database after changing compatible.rdbms >= 11 and resizing a datafile (Doc ID 965751.1)Taking a look to Oracle Support is always a good idea.