We are using R12.2 and want to implement digital signing for AR Invoice Printing report. In $XDO_TOP/resource/xdo.cfg, we have written below- <property name="system-temp-dir">/tmp</property> <property name="signature-enable">true</property> <property name="signature-pkcs12-path">/data/VISION/apps/fs2/EBSapps/appl/xdo/12.0.0/resource/TestSigning.pfx</property> <property name="signature-pkcs12-password">123</property> <property name="signature-field-location">top-center</property> and after completion of AR invoice printing program, we are running a Bursting program, but its not adding signature to the PDF output. Could you please suggest. |
Did you follow the MOS note below?
How to Set Up Electronic Signatures in EBS R12.1.3 and R12.2.x (Doc ID 2231014.1) There is a limitation though; "Limitations: PDF templates are not supported, requires a Bursting report." |
Thanks Appreciate you help on this. I was feeling helpless on this topic.
Yes, I followed the step as per document id. Since we have RTF template with output in PDF, as per Oracle, we dont have do anything other than changing xdo.cfg file. So, In RTF , we havent changed anything. Also, since we are on R 12.2, we dont need to install any patch. Any idea, what could be the issue? |
Did you try using position? (I mean pos-x, pos-y) As shown in the example below;
Example with Coordinates: Note the path includes the PFX file name. <property name="signature-enable">true</property> <property name="signature-pkcs12-path">/u01/appl/xdo/12.0.0/resource/Signature.pfx</property> <property name="signature-pkcs12-password">password</property> <property name="signature-field-pos-x">306</property> <property name="signature-field-pos-y">700</property> <property name="signature-field-width">72</property> <property name="signature-field-height">36</property> |
Yes, I did try with position. But no luck.
I am running my AR invoice report and then running a XML bursting program to place digitally signed file to some location. but after it burst the output, pdf output doesnt contain sign. |
*You have done all the steps correctly right? I mean ->
1) Create an RTF template as per business needs and invoke from bursting. Do not include any digital signature related properties in the RTF template. These properties are included in xdo.cfg file. 2) Register the template in EBS. 3) Create a bursting Control file. Bursting will display the Digital signature in report output. 4) Attach the bursting file to the report. 5) Define the properties related for Digital Signatures in $XDO_TOP/resource/xdo.cfg file (if the xdo.cfg file does not exists, create a new one with the following properties) 6) Restart OPP to make the xdo.cfg file changes effective. *You take the following in to account, right? "PDF templates are not supported" So you are using a RTF remplate right? *Is the output generated using your RTF template? |
Hi Erman Arslan,
I have done steps as mention in the below SR. How To Implement Digital Signature In Oracle EBS? (Doc ID 2344368.1) But not able to do "Create a bursting Control file. Bursting will display the Digital signature in report output" Can you please share example for Create a bursting Control file for Digital signature. our EBS environment is 12.1.3 Regards. |
See -> Bursting in EBS XML Publisher Consolidated Reference (Doc ID 1574210.1)
+ See -> Oracle XML Publisher Administration and Developer's Guide Release 12 Part No. B31412-01 Chapter 6 Calling XML Publisher APIs - Section: Bursting Engine |
It is possible to show a digital signature without a bursting control file. Regards. |
In reply to this post by ErmanArslansOracleBlog
I am getting the email with attachment output, but the digital signature is not attached. Concurrent Request output. Start bursting process.. Bursting process complete.. Generating Bursting Status Report.. Below is my Bursting Control File. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xapi:requestset xmlns:xapi="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oxp/xapi" type="bursting"> <xapi:request select="/MODULE1/LIST_G_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER/G_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER"> <xapi:delivery> <xapi:email id="EmpInfoId" server="hostname.domain.com" port="25" from="hpderp.wfmail@mydomain.com" reply-to ="myoracle@mydomain.com"> <xapi:message id="EmpInfoId" to="myoracle@mydomain.com" cc="" attachment="true" subject="Employee Info For ${EMPLOYEE_NUMBER}"> Dear All, Test email for Digital Signature Regards, Oracle </xapi:message> </xapi:email> </xapi:delivery> <xapi:document output="Employee_INFO" output-type="pdf" delivery="EmpInfoId"> <xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://PER.XX_TEST_DS.en.SA/?getSource=true"> </xapi:template> </xapi:document> </xapi:request> </xapi:requestset> Below is my xdo config file. [applmgr@hostname resource]$ more xdo.cfg <property name="system-temp-dir">/tmp</property> <property name="signature-enable">true</property> <property name="signature-pkcs12-path">/u01/ERPCL01/apps/apps_st/appl/xdo/12.0.0/resource/Signature.pfx</property> <property name="signature-pkcs12-password">oracle123456</property> <property name="signature-field-location">top-center</property> |
*What is the template type? PDF is not supported.
Please see the limitations -> 1) PDF templates are not supported 2) Digital signature works in bursting reports only. 3) Once the digital signature is enabled, it will affect all bursting reports. *Did your check by specifying the exact coordinates? For instance; <property name="signature-field-pos-x">306</property> <property name="signature-field-pos-y">700</property> <property name="signature-field-width">72</property> <property name="signature-field-height">36</property> |
In addition;
*Ensure that system-temp-dir property in xdo.cfg is set to /tmp or another valid temporary directory (must be rwx for the applmgr user). <property name="system-temp-dir">/tmp</property> *Also ensure the XML Publisher Administrator > Administration > Configuration and the Temporary Directory setting under General section of the page, is set to the same directory. |
In reply to this post by ErmanArslansOracleBlog
I have attached the report TEMPLATE.
1) PDF templates are not supported ..............................................................Yes 2) Digital signature works in bursting reports only............................................Yes Attached the bursting control file. 3) Once the digital signature is enabled, it will affect all bursting reports. |
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In reply to this post by ErmanArslansOracleBlog
[applmgr@erp-clone01 resource]$ ls -lrt
total 16 -rwxrwxr-x 1 applmgr oinstall 6101 Mar 10 11:59 Signature.pfx -rwxrwxr-x 1 applmgr oinstall 365 Mar 14 15:17 xdo.cfg |
In reply to this post by ErmanArslansOracleBlog
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Seems okay, considering the OS user has the all the rigths (rwx) on /tmp..
Your template is RTF.. You said : "it is possible to show a digital signature without a bursting control file." *Digital signature works in bursting reports only. It has to be invoked from Bursting. You are invoking it from Bursting right? *After you do all the required things (given below), did you restart the OPP and retry? 1) Create an RTF template as per business needs and invoke from bursting. Do not include any digital signature related properties in the RTF template. These properties are included in xdo.cfg file. 2) Register the template in EBS. 3) Create a bursting Control file. Bursting will display the Digital signature in report output. 4) Attach the bursting file to the report. 5) Define the properties related for Digital Signatures in $XDO_TOP/resource/xdo.cfg file (if the xdo.cfg file does not exists, create a new one with the following properties) |
*Digital signature works in bursting reports only. It has to be invoked from Bursting. You are invoking it from Bursting right?
Below is my Bursting control file. How to invocate the Digital Certificate in bursting control file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xapi:requestset xmlns:xapi="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oxp/xapi" type="bursting"> <xapi:request select="/MODULE1/LIST_G_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER/G_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER"> <xapi:delivery> <xapi:email id="EmpInfoId" server="hostname.domain.com" port="25" from="hpderp.wfmail@mydomain.com" reply-to ="myoracle@mydomain.com"> <xapi:message id="EmpInfoId" to="myoracle@mydomain.com" cc="" attachment="true" subject="Employee Info For ${EMPLOYEE_NUMBER}"> Dear All, Test email for Digital Signature Regards, Oracle </xapi:message> </xapi:email> </xapi:delivery> <xapi:document output="Employee_INFO" output-type="pdf" delivery="EmpInfoId"> <xapi:template type="rtf" location="xdo://PER.XX_TEST_DS.en.SA/?getSource=true"> </xapi:template> </xapi:document> </xapi:request> </xapi:requestset> *After you do all the required things (given below), did you restart the OPP and retry? YES |
bursting control file looks okay.
Here you see a similar case and the bursting control file is similar to yours -> https://community.oracle.com/mosc/discussion/4202017/digital-signature-in-xml-publisher-ebs-r12 There, they identified a problem.. a failure in the log of XDOBURSTREP: XML Publisher Report Bursting Program.. Do you have such an issue in the logs? I guess you get the ouput but you don't see it signed.. Am I correct? Still, please check the log of all the related processes/programs.. (OPP, related conc program etc..) , update me if you see anything there.. |
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