if I do a restore of database and application from Networker(preclone scripts not run), how can I do cloning without the preclone scripts? Is there other scripts I need to execute?
You are asking for database tier right?
Well... For database tier I don't use post clone at all.
No need.
7 things that you need to do..
1)Just modify the listener (just for the autoconfig) and make it to listen on the new hostname. (autoconfig will need to connect to the db using listener)
2)sqlplus apps/password > exec fnd_conc_clone_setup.clean; --> this cleans the fnd_nodes table before autoconfig run
3)run autoconfig. (db tier)
4)logout and login with OS oracle RDBMS owner account
5) set environment generated by autoconfig. (the env file i mean)
JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=erpprod.mauritiustelecom.com)(PORT=1541))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=PMTG)))
Exception occurred: java.sql.SQLException: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
So, you are probably facing with a configuration issue.
Ensure you have a database listener running properly, on a proper port and service name.
Ensure the host that database is running, is erpprod.mauritiustelecom.com.. Is erpprod a database host? if not you will need to change it.