Dear Erman,
We were facing a unique situation with one of the special characters. :[ µ ]
The oracle db has identified and stored it in the database however when we execute a function in Linux -[sqlplus] which passes the [ µ ] as an input parameter string, the value returned is " ?? " [unidentified].
When we added a environmental parameter in Linux : export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 and executed the same function again the outputs were correct and the special character[ µ ] was being returned.
Reference for solution: User Environment Language : AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8 [SELECT USERENV ('language') FROM DUAL;]
Remote terminal [Putty] config : UTF-8 [Remote character set]
Please advise if there is any other issue in adding the NLS_LANG environmental variable as we are constantly populating a lot of data in our databases and would not like to disrupt the day or day activities or corrupt any data.
Thanks for your time.