EBS 12.2 upgrade to 19C

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EBS 12.2 upgrade to 19C

Hello ,
 We have recently upgraded our 2 node RAC database of our EBS 12.2.4 application  from 12.1 to 19.11. All steps went fine with out any issues. After completing our upgrade and plugging our DB to the 19C CDB we noticed that PDB$SEED was not listing in the list.
When we recheck the alert log we came to know that PDB$SEED was not created in that step as it was trying to create data file in a non-existing mount point. Ie. it was failing to create PDB$SEED datafile in /oradata( which is not in the system)  where our RAC system uses ASM disks.

But we didn't face any issues on the process . EBS DB and Application was also working fine as well.

Our current setting is working and people are accessing it. Can we expect any other issues for this on future? as the expected architecture contains one seeded PDB as well ?

Is there any way to add this seed PDB to the current architecture.