E-Business Suite delivery manager missing username/password problem

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E-Business Suite delivery manager missing username/password problem

David Purge

I have an error while sending mail with concurrent requests
I find a solution when I fill the box(delivery manager email account info) with imap username and password,I can send mail but it disapper somehow maybe I guess with autoconfig,Is there a way to fix this like writing CONTEXT_FILE.
I checked context_file but there is nothing about delivery manager account
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Re: E-Business Suite delivery manager missing username/password problem

Users may now specify an e-mail username and password in the Preferences page for Delivery Manager to use for concurrent request output.

Login as sysadmin , choose preferences and fill the textboxes labeled as ;

e-Mail username
e-Mail password

I dont think you need to use an imap account.
You need to use a smtp account.
Please ask your mail admin to create an smtp account for you.

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Re: E-Business Suite delivery manager missing username/password problem

As for the autoconfig question.

Prepare a script, and run it after autoconfig for filling the email username and password directly.
Script should update the relevant fnd preferences table and should be run after each autoconfig run.

At the moment, this is the only thing that I can recommend for your need .