Hi Erman,
I would like to ask whether is it possible to swap the file systems from Run-->Patch or Patch-->Run without cutover in ADOP patching. If so then what is the file to be modified to swap the file systems during non adop session. Thanks, Sunil V. |
Hi Sunil, It is not documented for your specific scenario, so the answer is no. But it may be done using the txkADOPCutOverPhaseCtrlScript.pl, as it is documented for recovery reasons in section 5-2 of "Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Backup and Recovery Guidelines For Online Patching (adop) Cutover (Doc ID 1584097.1)". -- important I say "maybe" So it is not a thing that should be done by your wish, but as this is for your own risk, you can try it. Here; 5.2 Switch file systems back On all nodes where file systems have been switched, run the following command to switch the file systems back: $ perl $AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkADOPCutOverPhaseCtrlScript.pl \ -action=ctxupdate \ -contextfile=<full path to new run context file> \ -patchcontextfile=<full path to new patch file system context file> \ -outdir=<full path to out directory> Start up all services from the old run file system (using adstrtal.sh on UNIX). In a multi-node environment, repeat the preceding two steps on all nodes, starting with the admin node and then proceeding to the slave nodes. 2016-06-08 14:35 GMT+03:00 Sunil V [via Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum] <[hidden email]>: Hi Erman, Erman Arslan Applications and Database Operations Manager Oracle Certified Expert Certified Exadata Administrator Certified Linux Administrator Author for Apress MBA Blog: ermanarslan.blogspot.com Forum: http://ermanarslan.blogspot.com/p/forum.html M: 05301567803 |
Hi Erman,
I thought the same as the file system switch happens only during CUTOVER phase. I thought to look at the CUTOVER script later tonight. Thanks for your immediate response for every post on your blog and sharing your knowledge with others. Regards, Sunil V. |
Hi Erman,
Reg the commands which you have updated,Will those steps run autoconfig?If yes will it run on autoconfig on both run and patch filesystems? |
I don't think so.
You are running it with ctxupdate and when I check the script, it says the following for ctxupdate: CTXUPDATE is used to update the s_file_edition_type context variable and instantiate Apps ENV file. So, it doesn't mention about autoconfig here. In addition, I don't see any pure autoconfig call in this script.. But, it is better to try in a test environment. Try and update me as well. |
pThanks Erman,
Sure,will try to check and update my findings here.My guess is that it will edit the file_edition_type in context file and then run autoconfig which will generate all the environment files including EBSAPPS.env.Does it make any sense?please correct me |
Just run txkADOPCutOverPhaseCtrlScript.pl and relogin to your OS account. Source the EBSapps.env run. Check afterwards..
According to "Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Backup and Recovery Guidelines For Online Patching (adop) Cutover (Doc ID 1584097.1)", autoconfig is not required. |
Thanks Erman,i have ran it in my test system and i dont see any reference to autoconfig in the logs.This clarifies what happens at filesystem cutover.but how dblevel cutover happens?
it is an in-db operation. it is related with edition based redefinition(EBR). The patch edition in db becomes the new run edition of the db. 25 Mar 2017 06:31 tarihinde "satish [via Erman Arslan's Oracle Forum]" <[hidden email]> yazdı: Thanks Erman,i have ran it in my test system and i dont see any reference to autoconfig in the logs.This clarifies what happens at filesystem cutover.but how dblevel cutover happens? |
Hi Erman,
As always,thanks for your time.One last question when you say "CTXUPDATE is used to update the s_file_edition_type context variable and instantiate Apps ENV file".Is this updating the context variable in patch and run xml files and then create the Apps ENV file? If it changes the variable in xml file,then at certain point in time we will have the same values for s_file_edition_type in xml file.is that fine? |
You are doing an unsupported operation, but we are trying to make it be aligned with a support operation, which is documented in "Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Backup and Recovery Guidelines For Online Patching (adop) Cutover (Doc ID 1584097.1)" Normally, you don't need to care about the xml files (because there is no extra actions documented for them in note 1584097.1), however, you can test and see. The question you ask requires a code analysis. (both in perl and java) That update you are asking about is done by updateFileEdition function and here is its definition.. I guess this answer will satisfy you. if ($GLOBAL_CONFIG->{'action'} =~ m/^CTXUPDATE$/i) { updateFileEdition(); updateCutoverStatus(); } # updateFileEdition - Performs below tasks: # 1. Updates the context variable s_file_edition_type # on RUN and PATCH file system # 2. Instantiates the ENV file on RUN and PATCH # file system |
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